Tag: raspberry pi
GIT Server on Raspberry Pi with Http Backend and GitWeb
For Source code you want to share to the world, there is GitHub, but for closed source projects there are many paid and free options. This article is all about setting up your own private Git server on your home network using Raspberry Pi. Following modules will be used: Git Core Http Backend: to access […]
Enable SSH on Raspberry Pi without Monitor
Raspbian by default has disabled SSH server. To enable it without Keyboard and Monitor, follow any of the below mentioned methods. Preliminary requirements: 1. You should have Raspbian image written on SD Card 2. You should have a machine with SD Card reader and OS which supports reading ext filesystem Method 1 1. Mount SD […]
Raspberry Pi Ethernet to WiFi
This tutorial is about using your Raspberry Pi (or any Linux box) as WiFi router. Setup I am using Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian Strech. Edimax WiFi adapter. Internet enabled Ethernet connection. Check Ethernet Before continuing make sure the Ethernet cable is connected in and you can ping out from the Pi try ping ping […]
Mosquitto MQTT Install and Run part 1
MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is a publish subscribe messaging protocol for use on top of the TCP/IP protocol. It is designed for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required or the network bandwidth is limited. Mosquitto is an open-source message broker service that uses the MQTT protocol to send and […]
Control Raspberry Pi LEDs from Web and Mobile
In this post, I’ll demonstrate controlling couple of LEDs connected to Raspberry Pi GPIO from Web. LEDs could be replaced with any devices so its a kind of basic IoT project too, so this core design can be extended to any scale and many devices can be controlled simultaneously. Programming is done in Python and […]