Category: Programming
All about programming
Remote Procedure Calls RPC using RabbitMQ in C# .NET
RabbitMQ.NET RabbitMQ.NET is a .NET Core library to easily integrate RabbitMQ in .NET applications Nuget Github Installation Install-Package RabbitMQ.NET Using the library RabbitMQ.NET is a simple library to Publish and Subscribe easily in .NET Core applications. It now supports Remote Procedure Calls RPC in very intuitive manner Setup DI var serviceProvider = new […]
Real time location tracking like Uber using Redis
Let’s say we need to create an App like Uber which saves drivers location on a regular interval. If someone request a driver, App will display nearest to farthest drivers available to serve the user. Redis inherently support geospatial data structures which will help us in making such App. In this Post I’ll show Redis […]
RabbitMQ.NET library to easily integrate RabbitMQ in .NET Core applications
RabbitMQ.NET RabbitMQ.NET is a .NET Core library to easily integrate RabbitMQ in .NET Core applications Nuget Github Installation Install-Package RabbitMQ.NET Using the library RabbitMQ.NET is a simple library to Publish and Subscribe easily in .NET Core applications. Setup DI var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection() .AddLogging(loggingBuilder => { loggingBuilder.SetMinimumLevel(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Trace); }) .AddRabbitMQCore(options => { options.HostName […]
Log4NetCore library to easily integrate log4net in .NET Core applications
Log4NetCore Log4NetCore is a .NET Core library to easily integrate log4net in .NET Core applications Nuget Github Installation Install-Package Log4NetCoreEx Using the library Logging Builder How to use using Logging Builder var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection() .AddLogging(loggingBuilder => { loggingBuilder.SetMinimumLevel(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Trace); loggingBuilder.AddLog4Net(); loggingBuilder.AddConsole(); }) .BuildServiceProvider(); Services Collection How to use using Services Collection var […]
RedUI – Redis Desktop
RedUI is a Cross platform Redis Desktop Manager built with Electron, Angular, Clarity UI and ioredis. Main Features Cross platform Supports List view and Tree view `Monitor` mode Display Redis `Info` JSON formatting for `string` Github Screenshots
GIT Server on Raspberry Pi with Http Backend and GitWeb
For Source code you want to share to the world, there is GitHub, but for closed source projects there are many paid and free options. This article is all about setting up your own private Git server on your home network using Raspberry Pi. Following modules will be used: Git Core Http Backend: to access […]
Tail command for Windows with Colors
Tail is a program on Unix and Unix-like systems used to display the tail end of a text file or piped data. Tail also has option to monitor a file as new lines are added to the file by another process, tail updates the display. This is particularly useful for monitoring log files. I have […]
Windows Product Key Finder
Few years ago PC manufacturers apply stickers on Laptops or Desktops showing Windows Product Key. But since Windows 8, it is no longer supplied. I have made on handy tool to Find out Windows Product Key and some other useful info. Download and Run. Download Windows Product Key Finder version 4.5 Hash for WindowsProductKey4.5.exe MD5: […]
Quick Command Line Access from Windows Explorer
Command line was and will be an important tool especially for Software Developers. With the launch of .NET Core, it is now even more important even in .NET ecosystem. Users find it difficult to browse to a certain directory by issuing CD (change directory) commands so there is a better way to go directly to […]
Download all files from FTP in Python
You can use this Python script to download / clone entire FTP directory recursively from remote FTP Host. Let’s say you would like to download www-data directory and all sub directories inside this one from server. #!/usr/bin/python import sys import ftplib import os import time server = "FTPHOST" user = "anonymous" password = "anonymous" […]