Tag: oracle
Oracle Replication through Oracle Data Guard
This is a step by step guide to create Physical Standby database in Oracle using Oracle Data Guard. Force Logging on Primary Instance Set Force Logging on Primary database instance. alter database force logging; Verify by running below query. SELECT force_logging FROM v$database; Add standby redo log files ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE 'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\SREDO01.log' SIZE […]
Oracle EM Configuration
Start Stop DBConsole Service for Oracle EM emctl status dbconsole emctl start dbconsole emctl stop dbconsole OC4J Configuration issue If you get following error in starting dbconsole OC4J_DBConsole__ not found then drop and re-create OC4J configuration first drop existing configuration and then create new. To drop existing configuration emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop To […]
Oracle connect remotely
If Oracle is not connecting from remote machine then in listener.ora file add one more listener apart from localhost (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<HOST NAME or NIC IP>)(PORT=1521))) If it is not connected after this then check firewall.
SQLPlus Snippets
SET LINESIZE <linesize> the length of the line. In most cases the maximum value for linesize is 32767 SET TRIMSPOOL ON otherwise every line in the spoolfile is filled up with blanks until the linesize is reached. SET TRIMOUT ON otherwise every line in the output is filled up with blanks until the linesize is […]
Import Oracle dump in different tablespace
Follow below steps to Import Oracle dump into different Tablespace With your .DMP file, create a SQL file containing the structure (Tables): imp <username>/<password>@<sid> file=<filename.dmp> indexfile=index.sql full=y Open the indexfile (index.sql) in a text editor and issue the following find and replace statements IN ORDER (ignore the single quotes): Find: ‘REM<space>’ Replace: <nothing> Find: ‘”<source_tablespace>”‘ […]