SQLPlus Snippets

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SET LINESIZE <linesize> the length of the line. In most cases the maximum value for linesize is 32767

SET TRIMSPOOL ON otherwise every line in the spoolfile is filled up with blanks until the linesize is reached.

SET TRIMOUT ON otherwise every line in the output is filled up with blanks until the linesize is reached.

SET WRAP OFF Truncates the line if its is longer then LINESIZE. This should not happen if linesize is large enough.

SET TERMOUT OFF suppresses the printing of the results to the output. The lines are still written to the spool file. This may accelerate the exectution time of a statement a lot.

SET PAGESIZE 0 to set an infinite pagesize and avoid headings , titles and so on There are some other SET paramters concering output (NUMWIDTH, NUMFORMAT, LONG, COLSEP) and performance (ARRAYSIZE, LONGCHUNKSIZE)

Execute a Procedure

execute procedure_name

execute procedure_name('in_param','in_param');

Show Parameters
1. Show all parameters

show paramter

2. Show parameter Remote Login Password File
show paramter remote_login_passwordfile

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